How to measure user experience



Usability is no longer enough to explain the value of interaction with technical systems. An efficient, effective and satisfactory attainment of targets is no longer sufficient to explain why certain technical systems are used, purchased and desired more by users, who rate them more highly than other systems. The evaluation of human-machine Interaction (HMI) is also influenced by components of experience and affects. This has coined the term "User Experience" (UX) as an overall concept for new means of researching and quantifying human-machine interaction. For this reason GfK SirValUse, together with the GfK Verein, conducted a series of fundamental studies in 2011 and 2013 to develop an easily applicable model of User Experience.

Raimund Wildner


This is a long description of some author details.

Tim Bosenick


This is a long description of some author details.

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