How to optimise the go/no go decisions

Author: Stuart Cooper


This paper will focus on the interchange between the critical commercial and medical functions and the decisions they can make or change as a result of input from key sources of intelligence and experience. Case studies which illustrate the interactive role marketing inteligence can play will be utilised. In particular the experience of drawing on a wide range of disciplines into a go/no go decision for a new chronic medicine will be reviewed, and the inclusion of marketing research approaches, as a health economics vehicle across chronic and acute areas will be described. The marketing research involvement in all of these decisions will be reviewed in terms of the variety of its input. This will be sharply differentiated from its output examples of which will be a clinical trial design; decisions not to pursue a cost benefit study; and definition of the information requirements from regulatory authorities to achieve alternative price scenarios.

Stuart Cooper


This is a long description of some author details.

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