Marketing and research today (February 1997)

Date of publication: February 1, 1997

Author: ESOMAR B.V.


Early in December 1996, ESOMAR organized a major international conference in Hong Kong. This was the first event of its kind the Society has held in this part of the world and, judging by the response, the interest in future conferences and seminars is very high indeed. The fact that the conference attracted so much international interest demonstrates the increasing importance that marketing companies attach to the region. The supply side of the market research industry is well established and has been operating effectively throughout much of Asia since the 1960s. However, until relatively recently most of the demand came from the major multi-nationals rather than from companies based in Asia itself. The dramatic growth of economic activity in the region over the past ten years has been accompanied by an equally dramatic expansion in the research industry. All of the major international research groups are now represented and the range of services on offer to marketing companies is comparable to what is available in the West. Although anyone wishing to commission a study in Asia will find that the techniques he is familiar with are readily available in most countries, it remains the case that Asia is different and this has an impact on the way in which effective market research is conducted. Coupled with this, the explosion of economic growth in mainland China and the partial opening up of this vast market to companies from the West have led to the development of keen interest in the area and in the market research facilities available to marketing companies. The ESOMAR Hong Kong Conference addresses these issues with a range of papers that described research facilities in mainland China. There were also many other papers outlining what is happening and how research is being used throughout the region. In this issue of Marketing and Research Today we reproduce a selection that we hope gives a flavor of the kinds of issues that were raised and discussed in Hong Kong.



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