Multimedia CATI/CAPI

Companies: , Cargill

Author: Matthias Thomae


The paper concentrates on two new tools for data collection developed by Infratest Burke in conjunction with Quantime in 1994. The first part demonstrates the value of using scanned images in a CAPI process. Computer-assisted personal interviewing undoubtedly delivers cleaner data in shorter turnaround times and can cope with more complex questionnaires than pen-and-paper. In the past we often had the problem of administering a CAPI interview with a lot of show cards. Ideally these should have been presented randomly, or by using an even more complex method. Now that the computer can search and display the pictures according to the rules set out by the researcher, even more face-to-face pen-and-paper work can be converted into CAPI. In the near future, we can expect hardware developments that will allow us to display not only pictures but also videos on an interviewer's PC in a cost-efficient way. Our colleagues from Burke Marketing Research in Cincinnati, Ohio, have already been using this feature for about four years, but only on stationary PCs in malls. In the second part of this paper, I will show you, how Infratest Burke is using sound in its CATI interviews. This has been possible for many years by using tape recorders but the administration and analysis is very difficult. With sound cards in the interviewers' workstations, we can work much more flexibly when playing and recording sound. Unfortunately, we are still limited by the quality of the telephone lines, but we are quite certain that this will change quickly.

Matthias Thomae


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