The (still) unfulfilled promise of secondary data

Date of publication: September 9, 2020

Catalogue: Webinars 2020


For some time now, market researchers have realized that the volume of behavioral and attitudinal data now being generated, literally on an hourly basis, has the potential to fundamentally change how we help our clients better understand their customers and the markets in which they compete. The technologies and tools required to access, combine, and analyze these data already exist, and marketers and advertisers are using them on a broad scale. But within the market research sector, the promise of so-called 'big data' remains unfulfilled.

This webinar will explore these and related issues. We will look at some of the ways in which marketers are taking advantage of the data tsunami to create powerful new insights about consumers. We also will consider the ways in which two values that comprise the foundation of market research -validity and respect for the privacy of those whose data we process- need to be rethought in this new context. Attendees will come away with a renewed sense of what is possible when working with these data, and a clearer perspective on the challenges market researchers face as they transition their work to these new ways of developing insights.

Reg Baker


This is a long description of some author details.

Rex Briggs


This is a long description of some author details.

Sara Jordan


This is a long description of some author details.

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