The use of "respondent-based intelligent" surveys in cross-national research

Date of publication: May 12, 2002

Catalogue: Latin America 2002


This paper describes the methodological evolution of Ford Motor Company's product quality research in Latin America. It begins with the exporting of the North American model to Latin America. Critical biases and methodological distortions associated with the use of this approach are identified and illustrated. The authors then explain how customer-driven 'needs' and 'wants' of the local market led to the design and implementation of 'Respondent-Based Intelligent' Surveys for Latin America. Ford Motor Company's 'Customer Driven' Six Sigma Methodology generated much of the impetus for this approach. The outcome was highly accurate and actionable market research.

Marilyn Parrett


This is a long description of some author details.

Michael Francesco Alioto


This is a long description of some author details.

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