What are the national particularities that must be taken in consideration when developing new European products for the food sector?

Date of publication: June 15, 1990


The launch of multinational products onto national markets is tantamount, for each of these individual markets, to the introduction of a new product. While the success of any such launch depends on a number of factors, foremost among them is the degree to which the product in question can be integrated into the national culture concerned. An area which is particularly sensitive in this respect is nutrition. Indeed, eating habits and customs, the ways of eating and the cuisine of a country are as many facets of a historical process, something in which the essential values of a culture are reflected. Food, or specific types of food, is something which cannot be dictated to a people or a nation. Our contribution is dedicated to studying these cultural influences on food and nutrition. First of all, we sought to reconstruct the Austrian culinary code. We describe the introduction of modified and low-calorie fats in Austria by Unilever Austria (brand name "Du darfst). The introduction itself was preceded by qualitative, quantitative and semiotic research which analysed the place or ranking of fats within the Austrian culinary code. It was shown that fats stood for some very central values within the Austrian culture and that an area of great sensitive was being broached upon. There were also legislative restrictions concerning low-calorie fats. Initially, consumers had little understanding for the concept of low- calorie fats. Qualitative and quantitative research was carried out in order to determine a precise target group which, due to its social demography, its motivation and its eating habits could be envisaged as a primary target group. All the measures were directed precisely at this target group. At the same time, the climate of public opinion was influenced through cooperation with scientific authorities and the media.

Helene Karmasin


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Konrad Schröder


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