Working on sociocultural dynamics and customers' segmentation from local to global

Date of publication: May 13, 2014


Instead of innovating for the sake of technology, PSA Peugot Citroen creates actively for local people so that they can feel great and live well indeed. Rather than an imperial or adaptive approach of innovation, this presentation will expolore how PSA innovates by making best use of a series of "expectation vectors" coming from synergic global and local innovation genes: global macro-trends; profound socio-cultural trends in local markets; generational dynamics (digital natives vs. other generations); understanding of "feeling great" by local digital natives; and local automotive expectation dynamics based on a worldwide customer segmentation.

Laetitia Ricci


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Catherine Becker


This is a long description of some author details.

Alexandre Merza


This is a long description of some author details.

Xiaoyuan Zheng


This is a long description of some author details.

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