Many factors have influenced magazine publishing and circulation strategies, particularly the emergence of commercial television. These have lead to the development of special interest publications and an emphasis on selective circulation marketing. Formerly regarded as primarily a physical distribution function, circulation management is now emerging as a real marketing opportunity and, as such, it is expected to "sell" magazines to the "right" reader and to make a contribution to profits. The application of the computer to subscription maintenance and sales has probably had the greatest single impact on circulation management. Presently under development is an "information system" capable of collecting, analyzing, and reporting the principal elements that influence subscription sales profitability. Several computer models have been constructed to assist in the analysis of the multitude of interrelated variables impacting optimum circulation marketing. One of these is a model of the complete publishing operation incorporating components for sales, manufacturing, and distribution. This system is used to evaluate the long-term financial impact of alternative publishing opportunities under varying constraints.
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